Monday, May 9, 2011

More Real World

*Are u watching Real World? So is pheleshia! Log in and let her know what u think about this week's episode.*

One explosion begins to simmer as another one ignites and prepares to blow up! On tonight's episode the roommates have begun to deal with the information they gathered from Dustin's past. Basically going back to as "real" as they can be. Now don't get me wrong there were still questions and skepticism looming, especially from Mike, about Dustin's past.  I'm going to pause for a moment and keep it "real" on how I feel about the Mike/Dustin situation.  To be honest I thought Mike was the one "playing for the other team"! Yes I said it......who disagrees? If it's not that he wants Dustin then maybe it's the fact that he wants Heather? I don't know....don't really care!  He needs to stop letting the dislike of Dustin engulf his time at the Hard Rock!  If he stopped focusing so much on Dustin maybe he could find someone in his bed each night.... #imjustsayin'!   Get over it Mike!!! In the midst of the hatred we find Naomi and Leroy dealing with a heavy subject! Nevertheless, one that they got themselves into on their own. I'm going to say that in regards to this situation "if you play with fire your gonna get burned!" Stop sleeping with people you hardly know then freak out about the possible consequences! It's over rated.. How about you actually go on the show and get to know someone first!  Stop being an EASY access type of girl and an IRRESPONSIBLE male! Get it together. In the end so what Leroy apologized for not being there for Naomi. The actions of both show me that sleeping around with others unprotected is probably something they  do at home because if they didn't why  come on national T.V. and be irresponsible for the whole world to see??? Keep in mind they say that people are creatures of habit. Somewhere in between this lack of responsibility we find Dustin trying to salvage what may be a relationship, that is not going to go any further between him and Heather. Heather, confused, plays an up and down game with Dustin's emotions eventually telling him that she can never be with him again. What I wonder is did she make this decision after she messed up? I mean she did in fact become intimate with one of the roommates! Not to mention that it was a female roommate. I don't believe that liquor was the catalyst in this situation....there had too be some attraction there! Heather and Nany knew exactly what they were doing! So to end it all, revenge is sweet when the next explosion prepares to rear it's ugly head in the HARD ROCK home. Cooke, as conniving as they get, switches from being supportive of Heather to reaffirming the fact that she has an interest in Dustin.  And yes all after she has slept with Dustin's friend in the beginning if tonight's episode! Once again....stop being easy ladies! The attraction to Dustin plays out in a kiss as the episode comes to a close. Next week we will see the jealousy in Heather as she learns of the intimacy that Cooke and Dustin have shared.....but who let the cat out of the bag? Leroy was the only one present for the kiss. Stayed tuned for this answer and the opinion if the show according to :)

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